Quantum Metrology, Sensing and Imaging

Former name: Quantum Technologies

QIPC Roadmap and QICS updated


New versions of the QIPC Roadmap and the QICS are available.

As its last last deliverable, QUIE2T WP2 has submitted the final updates of the QIPC Strategic Report (v. 1.8) and the Quantum Information Classification scheme QICS (v. 1.3). A detailed report on the update is available from the WP2 deliverables page (deliverable D2.2.2).

ICQNM 2013

2013-08-25 - 2013-08-31
Barcelona, Spain

The Seventh International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies


Full Name: 
Simulations and Interfaces with Quantum Systems
Prof. Tommaso Calarco; Prof. Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Prof. Konrad Banaszek
Running time: 
2013-05-01 - 2016-04-30

The overarching goal of our project is to use strong quantum correlations in order to develop systems, involving large-scale entanglement, that outperform classical systems in a series of relevant applications.

The best way to move toward this goal and to make it reachable on the medium term is to use or to design systems based on direct and deterministic interactions between individual quantum entities.

Our project objectives are to


Sustainability of the QIPC field; position documents for National and EC level policy makers

Daniele Binosi

IV Quantum Information School and Workhop - Paraty 2013

2013-08-05 - 2013-08-16
Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The Workshop aims to convene some of the world's experts in quantum information to discuss the latest results in this and related fields. The main aim is to provide a relaxed setting, avoiding an excess of talks, in order to stimulate discussion and new ideas.

It will also present an ideal opportunity for students beginning in the field to broaden and deepen their knowledge, especially those who will have just attended the preceding School.

Coherent Control of Complex Quantum Systems

2013-05-07 - 2013-05-12
Okinawa, Japan

The quest to create complex synthetic quantum systems from the bottom up is currently one of the most active and exciting areas of physics. It promises the ability to study new and advanced quantum mechanical effects for fundamental science and applications in quantum engineering. Typical experimental systems in this area are cold atoms and ions, nano-resonators, semiconductor quantum dots or superconducting quantum interference devices, with new and exciting ones added regularly. All of these allow large experimental control and detailed theoretical understanding.

Pushing the Boundaries with Cold Atoms

2013-01-21 - 2013-02-15
Stockholm, Sweden

The ability to cool, coherently manipulate and measure atomic gases make these systems good candidates for studies of quantum many-body phenomena. Current experimental techniques allow for a plethora of different setups to be studied. This four week program focuses on new directions within the field of ultracold atomic gases. Interesting topics include for example,

The 8th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography

2013-05-21 - 2013-05-23
Guelph, Canada

Quantum computation, quantum communication, and quantum cryptography are subfields of quantum information processing, an interdisciplinary field of information science and quantum mechanics. The TQC conference series focuses on theoretical aspects of these subfields. The objective of the conference is to bring together researchers so that they can interact with each other and share problems and recent discoveries. It will consist of invited talks, contributed talks, and a poster session.

20th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics

2013-06-16 - 2013-06-20
Stockholm, Sweden

For two decades the Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO) has provided an annual forum for the quantum optics and quantum information community to present their latest scientific results. An important feature of the meeting is the possibility for young researchers to interact with some of the leading figures in quantum optics and related fields.

Welcome to join us in Stockholm!


2013-06-23 - 2013-07-12
Benasque, Spain

We are pleased to inform you that following the successful editions of Benasque 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2011, we are organizing another workshop of the similar type in June 2013. This is to invite you to apply using the electronic form that you can find on the website specified below. We encourage you to apply as soon as possible and not later than April 15th, 2013. The number of participants at the Benasque Centre at any given time is limited to about 60.

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