Quantum Metrology, Sensing and Imaging

Former name: Quantum Technologies



Following QIPC2009 in Rome and QIPC2011 in Zurich we have the pleasure to announce another edition of the QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING AND COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE – QIPC2013.

Following QIPC2009 in Rome and QIPC2011 in Zurich we have the pleasure to announce another edition of the QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING AND COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE – QIPC2013.

QIPC Virtual Observatory


QUIE2T WP2 has submitted a report on its deliverables D2.3.1 and D2.3.2.

The reports are available for public download at the WP2 deliverables page. They contain a detailed description of the features that are integrated in the qurope.eu web site, that allow a classification and analysis of the database material that is relevant to QIPC.

Updating the Roadmap and QICS


The Virtual Institutes have been contacted to start work on the final update of the QIPC Roadmap and the QICS.

The update is expected for the end of the QUIE2T project, i.e. Feb 2013. It is expected that the QIPC Roadmap and the Quantum Information Classification Scheme are going to see a new major revision within the next few months.

5th Practical Quantum Cryptography Winter School

2013-01-21 - 2013-01-24
Les Diablerets, Switzerland

Dear Colleagues,

I am glad to inform on the “5th Winter School on Practical Quantum Communications” which will take place from January 21 to 24, 2013

You will find some info under

And the brochure under

and testimonies on previous edition

QCRYPT conference, 5-9 August 2013 in Waterloo, Canada

2013-08-05 - 2013-08-09
Waterloo, Canada

The next conference on quantum cryptography in the QCRYPT series will take place at the Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada on August 5-9, 2013.

Details on deadlines and registration will be available later this year at http://2013.qcrypt.net/

Welcome to Waterloo in 2013.


2013-10-06 - 2013-10-12
Erice (Sicily), Italy

title abbreviation: NIC@QS13

dates of the conference: October 6-12, 2013

title of the conference: Noise, Information and Complexity at Quantum Scale

place: Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice (Sicily), Italy

www address: http://events.phys.unicam.it/nic-at-qs13/

brief description of the Conference:

QuAMP Summer School 2012 (Quantum Atomic, Molecular, and Plasma Physics)

2012-09-09 - 2012-09-13
Belfast (Northern Ireland)


Quantum Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics

Belfast (United Kingdom), 9-13 September 2012

website: http://web.am.qub.ac.uk/quamp2012/index.html

The 2012 QUAMP summer school is organised at Queen’s University of Belfast, 9-13 September 2012. It is aimed at PhD students and young postdocs with interests in atomic and molecular physics as well as quantum optics and quantum information.

Deadline for registration and payment: 31 July 2012

Q-ESSENCE Project meeting

2012-02-09 - 2012-02-10
ICFO, Barcelona, Spain

The next Q-ESSENCE Consortium meeting will take place in Barcelona at the ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences on the 09-10.02.2012. The exact schedule of the meeting can be found on the INTRANET website.


Full Name: 
Quantum States: Analysis and Realizations
Prof. Harald Weinfurter
Running time: 
2012-01-01 - 2013-12-31

Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Communication brought a radical, paradigmatic change in our understanding of the nature of information and of its use. Progress in efficient quantum computation and communication will be possible provided we gain a significantly improved comprehension of the underlying principles of quantum physics, have scalable analysis tools available to study the dynamics, decoherence, as well as the applicability of large quantum states, and, last but not least, have reliable and robust quantum technology components available.


Full Name: 
Light-Matter Interfaces In Absence Of Cavities
Prof. Francesco Saverio Cataliotti
Running time: 
2011-02-01 - 2014-01-31

This project aims at the creation of robust and scalable quantum interfaces between different platforms for the implementation of Quantum Technologies. We will focus on interfacing interaction or measurement induced quantum resources in atomic matter to light fields, based on less demanding alternatives to cavity-enhanced interaction of light with single ultracold atoms. For some applications we even plan to use thermal atoms which allow for a further reduction in the experimental complexity.

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