Quantum Metrology, Sensing and Imaging

Former name: Quantum Technologies

Andreas Wallraff awarded an ERC Advanced Grant


An ERC Advanced Grant was awarded to Andreas Wallraff by the European Research Council (ERC) for the project "Superconducting Quantum Networks".

 From 2014, Wallraff will be using the funds awarded to him by the Advanced Grant to investigate ways of developing networks for computers that operate on the basis of quantum physics: quantum computers. The technology is based on integrated electronic circuits that use superconductive materials, and in which information is processed at microwave frequencies. The project focuses on the development of networks that can connect individual quantum chips at distances ranging from a few centimeters to several meters.

Frustrated Quantum Spin Models with Cold Coulomb Crystals


A. Bermudez, J. Almeida, F. Schmidt-Kaler, A. Retzker, M. B. Plenio


URL: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.207209
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.207209
PACS: 75.10.Jm, 03.67.Ac, 05.30.Rt, 37.10.Ty

We exploit the geometry of a zigzag cold-ion crystal in a linear trap to propose the quantum simulation of a paradigmatic model of long-ranged magnetic frustration. Such a quantum simulation would clarify the complex features of a rich phase diagram that presents ferromagnetic, dimerized-antiferromagnetic, paramagnetic, and floating phases, together with previously unnoticed features that are hard to assess by numerics.

Electric field compensation and sensing with a single ion in a planar trap


S. Narayanan, N. Daniilidis, S. Möller, R. Clark, F. Ziesel, K. Singer, F. Schmidt-Kaler, H. Häffner


J. Appl. Phys. 110, 114909 (2011);


We use a single ion as a movable electric field sensor with accuracies on the order of a few V/m. For this, we compensate undesired static electric fields in a planar radio frequency trap and characterize the static field and its curvature over an extended region along the trap axis. We observe a strong buildup of stray charges around the loading region on the trap resulting in an electric field of up to 1.3 kV/m at the ion position.

Control of inhomogeneous atomic ensembles of hyperfine qudits


Brian E. Mischuck, Seth T. Merkel, and Ivan H. Deutsch


URL: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevA.85.022302
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.85.022302
PACS: 03.67.Lx, 42.50.Dv, 32.80.Qk

We study the ability to control d-dimensional quantum systems (qudits) encoded in the hyperfine spin of alkali-metal atoms through the application of radio- and microwave-frequency magnetic fields in the presence of inhomogeneities in amplitude and detuning. Such a capability is essential to the design of robust pulses that mitigate the effects of experimental uncertainty and also for application to tomographic addressing of particular members of an extended ensemble. We study the problem of preparing an arbitrary state in the Hilbert space from an initial fiducial state.

Dipolar Molecules in Optical Lattices


T. Sowiński, O. Dutta, P. Hauke, L. Tagliacozzo, M. Lewenstein


URL: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.115301
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.115301
PACS: 67.85.Hj, 37.10.Jk

We study the extended Bose-Hubbard model describing an ultracold gas of dipolar molecules in an optical lattice, taking into account all on-site and nearest-neighbor interactions, including occupatio

Quantum Valley Investment Fund


The Quantum Valley Investment Fund will provide commercialization funding, expertise and support for researchers that develop breakthroughs in Quantum Information Science.

Mike Lazaridis and Doug Fregin, founders of the "Smart Phone" industry, have created a 100m$ fund focusing on the commercialization of quantum technologies. The web site is: http://quantumvalleyinvestments.com/

Bose-Einstein Condensation 2013 - Frontiers in Quantum Gases

2013-09-07 - 2013-09-13
Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain

Conference Topics:

Quantum Technologies Conference IV

2013-09-15 - 2013-09-20
Warszawa, Poland

The meeting will focus on the latest achievements in the rapidly growing field of quantum engineering with a particular emphasis on the most recent advances in the broad field of atomic physics, including precision measurements; ultracold Bose and Fermi gases; ultracold molecules; quantum simulators and quantum information with atoms and ions; quantum optics. This year the conference is a satelite meeting of a BEC 2013 Conference to be held in Sant Feliu de Guixols (Spain).

UBC - Max-Planck workshop "From Quantum Matter to Quantum Information"

2013-06-24 - 2013-06-27
Vancouver, Canada

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together leading researchers in the fields of quantum information and quantum optics & materials science, and to educate and update the participating scientific community on the recent developments-both theoretical and experimental-in the fields of `Quantum computation and simulation', `Topological quantum codes', and `Integrated quantum systems'. The speakers will address, among others, the following questions:

Southwest Quantum Information and Technology: Fifteenth Annual Meeting

2013-02-21 - 2013-02-23
Santa Barbara, California

The 15 Annual SQuInT Workshop will be hosted by the Center for Quantum Information and Control (CQuIC).

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