Quantum Information Theory

Quantum Group at IRIF

Research Type: 
  • Computing: quantum algorithms and complexity, distributed quantum computing
  • Communication: quantum games, quantum communication complexity, non-locality
  • Security: quantum cryptography, quantum attacks of classical protocols


Frederic Magniez


Full Name: 
Solid state systems for quantum information processing
Prof. Göran Wendin
Running time: 
2010-02-01 - 2013-09-30



Full Name: 
Quantum engineering via dissipation
Running time: 
2009-06-01 - 2012-05-31

QUEVADIS aims to study quantum computation and information processing in a model where information processing is achieved by dissipation or decoherence. The starting point of the proposal is a recent result showing that if system-environment interaction is engineered in a certain very specific way, then universal quantum computation can be achieved simply by letting the system decohere.


Full Name: 
The Physics of Ion Coulomb Crystals
Giovanna Morigi
Running time: 
2010-06-01 - 2013-05-31

PICC aims to identify tools for controlling ion crystal as their size is scaled up, develop strategies for implementing quantum dynamics of mesoscopic ion Coulomb crystals in a noisy environment and explore the capability of ion Coulomb crystals as quantum simulators. The targeted breakthrough is a ten fold increase in the number of entangled ions available for quantum operation operations. The long-term vision underlying this proposal is to engineer quantum correlations and entanglement in ion Coulomb crystals in order to exploit them for technological purposes of different kinds.


Full Name: 
Molecular spin Clusters for Quantum Information Processes
Running time: 
2008-04-01 - 2011-09-30

MOLSPINQIP intends to prove the validity of molecular spin clusters as building blocks for scalable quantum information architectures, focussing on the engineering of new molecules and on the design of suitable computational schemes.


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High Dimensional Entangled Systems
Running time: 
2008-10-01 - 2011-09-30

HIDEAS aims at exploiting the high-dimensional multimodal entangled quantum states of the optical radiation field to significantly increase the information capacity of quantum communication, quantum imaging and quantum metrology

Quantum Information Workshops

Stockholm, Sweden

The scientific program on Quantum Information is primarily focusing on physical and theoretical aspects of quantum information processing and communication, as well as on their physical implementation. The aim of the program is to bring together key and active researchers in the foundations of quantum mechanics, quantum information theory, quantum communication, quantum key distribution, and quantum computing to review, present and discuss recent important results.

International Conference on Quantum Information and Computation

2010-10-04 - 2010-10-08
Stockholm, Sweden

The scientific program on Quantum Information is primarily focusing on physical and theoretical aspects of quantum information processing and communication, as well as on their physical implementation. The aim of the program is to bring together key and active researchers in the foundations of quantum mechanics, quantum information theory, quantum communication, quantum key distribution, and quantum computing to review, present and discuss recent important results.


Full Name: 
Geometric phases, pumping, and dissipation in quantum devices
SHNIRMAN, Alexander
Running time: 
2009-09-01 - 2012-08-31

The aim of this project is to investigate how dissipation influences the geometric phases and geometric pumping in quantum solid-state devices and to assess the role of geometric manipulations in future ICT applications. Since all realistic solid-state devices suffer from dissipation due to their coupling to uncontrolled environment with many degrees of freedom it is crucial to understand how the geometric effects are modified and whether they are still useful.


Full Name: 
Correlated noise effects in quantum information processing
Running time: 
2008-07-01 - 2011-06-30

CORNER aims to develop a general framework for understanding and managing noise effects in quantum information technology with particular attention paid to the previously unexplored area of correlated noise errors that commonly arise in space and/or time especially in large scale operations.

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