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Full Name: 
The Physics of Ion Coulomb Crystals
Giovanna Morigi


Saarland University 66123 Saarbrücken
49° 14' 56.1228" N, 7° 1' 3.2124" E
Running time: 
2010-06-01 - 2013-05-31

PICC aims to identify tools for controlling ion crystal as their size is scaled up, develop strategies for implementing quantum dynamics of mesoscopic ion Coulomb crystals in a noisy environment and explore the capability of ion Coulomb crystals as quantum simulators. The targeted breakthrough is a ten fold increase in the number of entangled ions available for quantum operation operations. The long-term vision underlying this proposal is to engineer quantum correlations and entanglement in ion Coulomb crystals in order to exploit them for technological purposes of different kinds.

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