Quantum Information Theory

Jonglieren mit Atomen - discussed work: Photon-by-photon feedback control of a single-atom trajectory von A. Kubanek et al., Nature 462, 898-901 (2009)


F. Schmidt-Kaler


Physik Journal 9, 20 (2010)

Mit einzelnen Photonen lässt sich die Bahn eines Atoms beobachten und mittels der Lichtkraft eines Laserstrahls für einige Millisecunden speichern.

Focusing a deterministic single-ion beam


W. Schnitzler, G. Jacob, R. Fickler, F. Schmidt-Kaler, K. Singer


New Journal of Physics 12, 065023 (2010)

Focus on atom optics and its applications


F. Schmidt-Kaler, T. Pfau, P. Schmelcher, W. Schleich


New Journal of Physics 12, 0650014 (2010)

Atom optics employs the modern techniques of quantum optics and laser cooling to enable applications which often outperform current standard technologies. Atomic matter wave interferometers allow for ultra-precise sensors; metrology and clocks are pushed to an extraordinary accuracy of 17 digits using single atoms. Miniaturization and integration are driven forward for both atomic clocks and atom optical circuits.

Trapped electron coupled to superconducting devices


P. Bushev, D. Bothner, J. Nagel. M. Kemmelr, K.B. Konovalenko, A. Loerincz, K. Ilin, M. Siegel, D. Koelle, R. Kleiner, F. Schmidt-Kaler


Eur. Phys. J. D 63, 9-16 (2011)

We propose to couple a trapped single electron to superconducting structures located at a variable distance from the electron. The electron is captured in a cryogenic Penning trap using electric fields and a static magnetic field in the Tesla range. Measurements on the electron will allow investigating the properties of the superconductor such as vortex structure, damping and decoherence.

Quantum gate in the decoherence-free subspace of trapped-ion qubits


P. Ivanov, U.G. Poschinger, K. Singer, F. Schmidt-Kaler
Europhysics Letters 92, 30006 (2010)

We propose a geometric phase gate in a decoherence-free subspace with trapped ions. The quantum information is encoded in the Zeeman sublevels of the ground-state and two physical qubits to make up one logical qubit with ultra long coherence time. Single- and two-qubit operations together with the transport and splitting of linear ion crystals allow for a robust and decoherence-free scalable quantum processor. For the ease of the phase gate realization we employ one Raman laser field on four ions simultaneously, i.e. no tight focus for addressing.

Anyonic quantum walks


G. K. Brennen, D. Ellinas, V. Kendon J. K. Pachos, I. Tsohantjis, Z. Wang
Annals of Physics, Volume 325, Issue 3, March 2010, pp. 664-681

The one dimensional quantum walk of anyonic systems is presented. The anyonic walker performs braiding operations with stationary anyons of the same type ordered canonically on the line of the walk. Abelian as well as non-Abelian anyons are studied and it is shown that they have very different properties. Abelian anyonic walks demonstrate the expected quadratic quantum speedup. Non-Abelian anyonic walks are much more subtle. The exponential increase of the system’s Hilbert space and the particular statistical evolution of non-Abelian anyons give a variety of new behaviors.

Bulk fault-tolerant quantum information processing with boundary addressability


G. A. Paz-Silva, G. K. Brennen and J. Twamley
2011 New Journal of Physics 13 013011

Absence of Thermalization in Nonintegrable Systems


Christian Gogolin, Markus P. Müller, and Jens Eisert


Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 040401 (2011)

We establish a link between unitary relaxation dynamics after a quench in closed many-body systems and the entanglement in the energy eigenbasis. We find that even if reduced states equilibrate, they can have memory on the initial conditions even in certain models that are far from integrable. We show that in such situations the equilibrium states are still described by a maximum entropy or generalized Gibbs ensemble, regardless of whether a model is integrable or not, thereby contributing to a recent debate.

Position-Based Quantum Cryptography: Impossibility and Constructions


H. Buhrman, N. Chandran, S. Fehr, R. Gelles, V. Goyal, R. Ostrovsky, C. Schaffner


Proceedings of the Workshop on Quantum Information Processing (QIP, 2011)

In this work, the authors study position-based cryptography in the quantum setting. On the negative side, they show that if adversaries are allowed to share an arbitrarily large entangled quantum state, no secure position-verification is possible at all. On the positive side, they show that if adversaries do not share any entangled quantum state but can compute arbitrary quantum operations, secure position-verification is achievable. In models where secure positioning is achievable, it has a number of interesting applications.

Frontiers in Quantum Information, Computing & Communication (QICC)-2011 Meeting

2011-09-26 - 2011-09-27
In Between Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Harvard University Campuses on 777 Memorial Drive at Courtyard Marriott, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 USA

Quantum Chemistry, Single Quantum Dot Tracking, Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Caron Nanotubes for the study of DNA, Light-driven Molecular Machines, Energy Transfer Pr

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