24.60.+s Generation of specific states of radiation

Generation of tunable wavelength coherent states and heralded single photons for quantum optics applications


N. Bruno, A. Martin, R. T. Thew


Optics Communications 327 17 (2014)

Quantum optics experiments frequently involve interfering single photons and coherent states. In the case of multi-photon experiments this requires that all photons are frequency degenerate. We report a simple and practical approach to generate coherent states that can be readily tuned to any wavelength required, for example by non-degenerate photon pair creation.

Real-time quantum feedback prepares and stabilizes photon number states


C. Sayrin, I. Dotsenko, X. Zhou, B. Peaudecerf, T. Rybarczyk, S. Gleyzes, P. Rouchon, M. mirrahimi, H. Amini, M. Brune, J.M. Raimond, S. Haroche


Nature (London) 477, 73 (2011)
doi: 10.1038/nature10376

Feedback loops are central to most classical control procedures. A controller compares the signal measured by a sensor (system output) with the target value or set-point. It then adjusts an actuator (system input) to stabilize the signal around the target value. Generalizing this scheme to stabilize a micro-system’s quantum state relies on quantum feedback, which must overcome a fundamental difficulty: the sensor measurements cause a random back-action on the system. An optimal compromise uses weak measurements, providing partial information with minimal perturbation.

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