Phys. Rev. X 7, 31049 (2017)
We propose and discuss quantum spin lenses, where quantum states of delocalized spin excitations in an atomic medium are focused in space in a coherent quantum process down to (essentially) single atoms. These can be employed to create controlled interactions in a quantum light-matter interface, where photonic qubits stored in an atomic ensemble are mapped to a quantum register represented by single atoms. We propose Hamiltonians for quantum spin lenses as inhomogeneous spin models on lattices, which can be realized with Rydberg atoms in 1D, 2D, and 3D, and with strings of trapped ions.
Phys. Rev. B 90, 125154 (2014)
We introduce a variational algorithm to simulate quantum many-body states based on a tree tensor network ansatz which releases the isometry constraint usually imposed by the real-space renormalization coarse graining. This additional numerical freedom, combined with the loop-free topology of the tree network, allows one to maximally exploit the internal gauge invariance of tensor networks, ultimately leading to a computationally flexible and efficient algorithm able to treat open and periodic boundary conditions on the same footing.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014); DOI:
Tensor network states constitute an important variational set of quantum states for numerical studies of strongly correlated systems in condensed-matter physics, as well as in mathematical physics. This is specifically true for finitely correlated states or matrix-product operators, designed to capture mixed states of one-dimensional quantum systems.
Phys. Rev. A 84, 032333
It is shown that anisotropic spin chains with gapped bulk excitations and magnetically ordered ground states offer a promising platform for quantum computation, which bridges the conventional single-spin-based qubit concept with recently developed topological Majorana-based proposals. We show how to realize the single-qubit Hadamard, phase, and π/8 gates as well as the two-qubit controlled-not (cnot) gate, which together form a fault-tolerant universal set of quantum gates.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 240501 (2009)
Optimal control theory is a promising candidate for a drastic improvement of the performance of quantum information tasks. We explore its ultimate limit in paradigmatic cases, and demonstrate that it coincides with the maximum speed limit allowed by quantum evolution.
New Journal Phys. 12 113037 (2010)
Systems with long-range interactions show a variety of intriguing properties: they typically accommodate many meta-stable states, they can give rise to spontaneous formation of supersolids, and they can lead to counterintuitive thermodynamic behavior. However, the increased complexity that comes with long-range interactions strongly hinders theoretical studies. This makes a quantum simulator for long-range models highly desirable.
Phys. Rev. A 82, 022318 (2010).
Spin chains have long been considered as candidates for quantum channels to facilitate quantum communication. We consider the transfer of a single excitation along a spin-1/2 chain governed by Heisenberg-type interactions. We build on the work of Balachandran and Gong [V. Balachandran and J. Gong, Phys. Rev. A 77, 012303 (2008)] and show that by applying optimal control to an external parabolic magnetic field, one can drastically increase the propagation rate by two orders of magnitude.