Coupling artificial molecular spin states by photon-assisted tunnelling


L.R. Schreiber, F.R. Braakman, T. Meunier, V. Calado, J. Danon, J.M. Taylor, W. Wegscheider & L.M.K. Vandersypen


Nature Communications 2, 556

Artificial molecules containing just one or two electrons provide a powerful platform for studies of orbital and spin quantum dynamics in nanoscale devices. A well-known example of these dynamics is tunnelling of electrons between two coupled quantum dots triggered by microwave irradiation. So far, these tunnelling processes have been treated as electric-dipole-allowed spin-conserving events. Here we report that microwaves can also excite tunnelling transitions between states with different spin.

Single-Shot Correlations and Two-Qubit Gate of Solid-State Spins


K. C. Nowack, M. Shafie, M. Laforest, G. E. D. K. Prawiroatmodjo, L. R. Schreiber, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, L. M. K. Vandersypen


Science 333, 1269

Measurement of coupled quantum systems plays a central role in quantum information processing. We have realized independent single-shot read-out of two electron spins in a double quantum dot. The read-out method is all-electrical, cross-talk between the two measurements is negligible, and read-out fidelities are ~86% on average. This allows us to directly probe the anticorrelations between two spins prepared in a singlet state and to demonstrate the operation of the two-qubit exchange gate on a complete set of basis states.

Single-Shot Measurement of Triplet-Singlet Relaxation in a Si/SiGe Double Quantum Dot


J. R. Prance, Zhan Shi, C. B. Simmons, D. E. Savage, M. G. Lagally, L. R. Schreiber, L. M. K. Vandersypen, Mark Friesen, Robert Joynt, S. N. Coppersmith, M. A. Eriksson


Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 046808 (2012)

We investigate the lifetime of two-electron spin states in a few-electron Si/SiGe double dot. At the transition between the (1,1) and (0,2) charge occupations, Pauli spin blockade provides a readout mechanism for the spin state. We use the statistics of repeated single-shot measurements to extract the lifetimes of multiple states simultaneously. When the magnetic field is zero, we find that all three triplet states have equal lifetimes, as expected, and this time is ∼10  ms.

Mini quantum computer passes test

A team of scientists of the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience of TU Delft and the FOM Foundation has succeeded in very accurately initializing and reading out a mini-quantum computer comprising four quantum bits on a chip of diamond. This breakthrough marks an important step towards a quantum computer and makes it possible to test advanced quantum protocols, such as teleportation, on a chip. The researchers have published their results in Nature 477, 574 (2011).

Investigating Relativistic Quantum Field Theory in Superconducting Circuits

2011-02-28 - 2011-03-05

G. Johansson

Quantum Simulations Workshop, Benasque, Spain

Observation of the Dynamical Casimir Effect in a Superconducting Circuit

2011-05-02 - 2011-05-06

Göran Johansson

12th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations, Brazil

One of the most surprising predictions of modern quantum theory is that the vacuum of space is not empty. In fact, quantum theory predicts that it teems with virtual particles flitting in and out of existence. While initially a curiosity, it was quickly realized that these vacuum fluctuations had measurable consequences, for instance producing the Lamb shift of atomic spectra and modifying the magnetic moment for the electron. This type of renormalization due to vacuum fluctuations is now central to our understanding of nature.

Undoing measurement-induced dephasing in circuit QED


A. Frisk Kockum, L. Tornberg, G. Johansson



We analyze the backaction of homodyne detection and photodetection on superconducting qubits in circuit quantum electrodynamics. Although both measurement schemes give rise to backaction in the form of stochastic phase rotations, which leads to dephasing, we show that this can be perfectly undone provided that the measurement signal is fully accounted for. This result improves upon that of Phys. Rev. A, 82, 012329 (2010), showing that the method suggested can be made to realize a perfect two-qubit parity measurement.

Observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting circuit

2012-02-27 - 2012-03-02

Christopher Wilson

APS March meeting, Boston, USA

Modern quantum theory predicts that the vacuum of space is not empty, but instead teeming with virtual particles flitting in and out of existence. While initially a curiosity, it was quickly realized that these vacuum fluctuations had measurable consequences, for instance producing the Lamb shift of atomic spectra and modifying the magnetic moment for the electron. This type of renormalization due to vacuum fluctuations is now central to our understanding of nature.

Photon generation in an electromagnetic cavity with a timedependent boundary

2011-05-02 - 2011-05-06

P. Delsing

5th Feynman Festival and 12th Int. Conf. on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations, Iguaçu, Brazil

We report the observation of photon generation in a microwave cavity with a time-dependent boundary condition. Our system is a microfabricated quarter-wave coplanar waveguide cavity. The electrical length of the cavity is varied by using the tunable inductance of a superconducting quantum interference device. It is measured at a temperature significantly less than the resonance frequency. When the length is modulated at approximately twice the static resonance frequency, spontaneous parametric oscillations of the cavity field are observed.

Physicists build first single-photon router


Io-Chun Hoi

article at

By demonstrating that an artificial atom embedded in a transmission line can route a single photon from an input port to one of two output ports, physicists have built the first router working at the single-photon level. The single-photon router could one day serve as a quantum node in a quantum information network, in which it could provide basic processing and routing of data. 

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