Benchmarking a Quantum Teleportation Protocol in Superconducting Circuits Using Tomography and an Entanglement Witness

Teleportation of a quantum state may be used for distributing entanglement between distant qubits in quantum communication and for quantum computation. In this publication, the group of Andreas Wallraff at ETH Zurich demonstrated the implementation of a teleportation protocol, up to the single-shot measurement step, with superconducting qubits coupled to a microwave resonator. Using full quantum state tomography and evaluating an entanglement witness, they show that the protocol generates a genuine tripartite entangled state of all three qubits.

Quest for quirky quantum particles may have struck gold


Kouwenhoven L. P.


Evidence for elusive Majorana fermions raises possibilities for quantum computers. 

Bright single photon source in bottom-up tailored nanowires


M. E. Reimer, G. Bulgarini, N. Akopian, M. Hocevar, M. Bouwes Bavinck, E. P. A. M. Bakkers, L. P. Kouwenhoven, V. Zwiller


Nat. Commun. 3, 737 (2012)

The ability to achieve near-unity light-extraction efficiency is necessary for a truly deterministic single-photon source. The most promising method to reach such high efficiencies is based on embedding single-photon emitters in tapered photonic waveguides defined by top-down etching techniques. However, light-extraction efficiencies in current top-down approaches are limited by fabrication imperfections and etching-induced defects. The efficiency is further tempered by randomly positioned off-axis quantum emitters.

Two-photon quantum interference from separate nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond


H. Bernien, L. Childress, L. Robledo, M. Markham, D. Twitchen, R. Hanson


Physical Review Letters 108, 043604 (2012)

We report on the observation of quantum interference of the emission from two separate nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. Taking advantage of optically induced spin polarization in combination with polarization filtering, we isolate a single transition within the zero-phonon line of the non-resonantly excited NV centers. The time-resolved two-photon interference contrast of this filtered emission reaches 66%. Furthermore, we observe quantum interference from dissimilar NV centers tuned into resonance through the dc Stark effect.

Controlling the quantum dynamics of a mesoscopic spin bath in diamond


G. de Lange, T. van der Sar, M.S. Blok, Z. H. Wang, V.V. Dobrovitski, and R.



Understanding and mitigating decoherence is a key challenge for quantum science and technology. The main source of decoherence for solid-state spin systems such as quantum dots, donors in silicon and defects in diamond is the uncontrolled spin bath environment. Here, we demonstrate quantum control of a mesoscopic electron spin bath in diamond at room temperature. The resulting spin bath dynamics are probed using a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centre electron spin as a magnetic field sensor. We exploit the spin bath control to dynamically suppress dephasing of the NV spin by the spin bath.

High-fidelity projective readout of a solid-state spin quantum register


Lucio Robledo, Lilian Childress, Hannes Bernien, Bas Hensen, Paul F. A. Alkemade, Ronald Hanson


Nature 477, 547-578

Initialization and read-out of coupled quantum systems are essential ingredients for the implementation of quantum algorithms1, 2. Single-shot read-out of the state of a multi-quantum-bit (multi-qubit) register would allow direct investigation of quantum correlations (entanglement), and would give access to further key resources such as quantum error correction and deterministic quantum teleportation1. Although spins in solids are attractive candidates for scalable quantum information processing, their single-shot detection has been achieved only for isolated qubits3, 4, 5, 6.

Spin dynamics in the optical cycle of single nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond


L. Robledo, H. Bernien, T. van der Sar, R. Hanson


New Journal of Physics13, 025013

We investigate spin-dependent decay and intersystem crossing (ISC) in the optical cycle of single negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres in diamond. We use spin control and pulsed optical excitation to extract both the spin-resolved lifetimes of the excited states and the degree of optically induced spin polarization. By optically exciting the centre with a series of picosecond pulses, we determine the spin-flip probabilities per optical cycle, as well as the spin-dependent probability for ISC.

Single-spin magnetometry with multi-pulse dynamical decoupling sequences


G. de Lange, D. Ristè, V. V. Dobrovitski, R. Hanson


Physical Review Letters106, 080802

We experimentally demonstrate single-spin magnetometry with multipulse sensing sequences. The use of multipulse sequences can greatly increase the sensing time per measurement shot, resulting in enhanced ac magnetic field sensitivity. We theoretically derive and experimentally verify the optimal number of sensing cycles, for which the effects of decoherence and increased sensing time are balanced. We perform these experiments for oscillating magnetic fields with fixed phase as well as for fields with random phase.

Efficient controlled-phase gate for single-spin qubits in quantum dots


T. Meunier, V.E. Calado, L.M.K. Vandersypen


Physical Review B 83, 121403

Two-qubit interactions are at the heart of quantum information processing. For single-spin qubits in semiconductor quantum dots, the exchange gate has always been considered the natural two-qubit gate. The recent integration of a magnetic field or g-factor gradients in coupled quantum dot systems allows for a one-step, robust realization of the controlled-phase (C-phase) gate instead.

Generating Entanglement and Squeezed States of Nuclear Spins in Quantum Dots


M. S. Rudner, L. M. K. Vandersypen, V. Vuletić, and L. S. Levitov


Physical Review Letters 107, 206806

We present a scheme for achieving coherent spin squeezing of nuclear spin states in semiconductor quantum dots. The nuclear polarization dependence of the electron spin resonance generates a unitary evolution that drives nuclear spins into a collective entangled state. The polarization dependence of the resonance generates an area-preserving, twisting dynamics that squeezes and stretches the nuclear spin Wigner distribution without the need for nuclear spin flips. Our estimates of squeezing times indicate that the entanglement threshold can be reached in current experiments. 

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