Quantum information in solid-state systems: spin qubits in quantum dots   

2011-04-07 - 2011-04-08

D. Loss

Colloquium Celebrating the Foundation of the Peter Grünberg Institute, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

The main characteristics of good qubits are long coherence times in combination with fast operating times. It is well known that carbon-based materials could increase the coherence times of spin qubits, which are among the most developed solid-state qubits. Here, we propose how to form spin qubits in graphene quantum dots. A crucial requirement to achieve this goal is to find quantum-dot states where the usual valley degeneracy in bulk graphene is lifted. We show that this problem can be avoided in quantum dots based on ribbons of graphene with armchair boundaries.

Helical modes and Majorana edge states in interacting nanowires   

2011-04-10 - 2011-04-15

D. Loss

15th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Helical modes, conducting opposite spins in opposite directions, are shown to exist in metallic armchair nanotubes in an all-electric setup. This is a consequence of the interplay between spin orbit interaction and strong electric fields. The helical regime can also be obtained in chiral metallic nanotubes by applying an additional magnetic field. In particular, it is possible to obtain helical modes at one of the two Dirac points only, while the other one remains gapped.

Quantum information in solid-state systems: spin qubits in quantum dots   


D. Loss

Opening of the new Nanotech Center, Zurich, Switzerland

The main characteristics of good qubits are long coherence times in combination with fast operating times. It is well known that carbon-based materials could increase the coherence times of spin qubits, which are among the most developed solid-state qubits. Here, we propose how to form spin qubits in graphene quantum dots. A crucial requirement to achieve this goal is to find quantum-dot states where the usual valley degeneracy in bulk graphene is lifted. We show that this problem can be avoided in quantum dots based on ribbons of graphene with armchair boundaries.

Helical modes and Majorana edge states in interacting nanowires   

2011-09-07 - 2011-09-10

D. Loss

WORKSHOP on Superconducting hybrids: from conventional to exotic. Villard de Lans, France

We show that one-dimensional electron systems in proximity of a superconductor that support Majorana edge states are extremely susceptible to electron-electron interactions. Strong interactions generically destroy the induced superconducting gap that stabilizes the Majorana edge states. For weak interactions, the renormalization of the gap is nonuniversal and allows for a regime, in which the Majorana edge states persist. We present strategies how this regime can be reached. 

Absence of spontaneous magnetic order in low-dimensional (RKKY) systems   

2011-10-02 - 2011-10-06

D. Loss

Satellite Materials World Network meeting on ”Nuclear spins in semiconductor heterostructures”, Porto Ottiolu, Sardinia, Italy

We extend the Mermin-Wagner theorem to a system of lattice spins which are spin coupled to itinerant and interacting charge carriers. We use the Bogoliubov inequality to rigorously prove that neither (anti-) ferromagnetic nor helical long-range order is possible in one and two dimensions at any finite temperature. Our proof applies to a wide class of models including any form of electron-electron and single-electron interactions that are independent of spin.

Spin qubits in graphene quantum dots

2011-12-11 - 2011-12-13

D. Loss

Dynamical Control of Quantum Coherence for Current and Future Information Technologies,The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

The main characteristics of good qubits are long coherence times in combination with fast operating times. It is well known that carbon-based materials could increase the coherence times of spin qubits, which are among the most developed solid-state qubits. Here, we propose how to form spin qubits in graphene quantum dots. A crucial requirement to achieve this goal is to find quantum-dot states where the usual valley degeneracy in bulk graphene is lifted. We show that this problem can be avoided in quantum dots based on ribbons of graphene with armchair boundaries.

Helical modes and Majorana end states in interacting nanowires   

2011-12-11 - 2011-12-13

D. Loss

5th International Workshop on Solid-State Quantum Computing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

Helical modes, conducting opposite spins in opposite directions, are shown to exist in metallic armchair nanotubes in an all-electric setup [1] and in SiGe nanowires [2]. This is a consequence of the interplay between spin orbit interaction and strong electric fields. The helical regime can also be obtained in chiral metallic nanotubes by applying an additional magnetic field. In particular, it is possible to obtain helical modes at one of the two Dirac points only, while the other one remains gapped.

Spin qubits and scalable 2D architectures   

2012-01-17 - 2012-01-21

D. Loss

First NASA Quantum Future Technologies Conference, NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, California, USA

Universal quantum computation with ordered spin-chain networks


Y. Tserkovnyak and D. Loss


Phys. Rev. A 84, 032333

It is shown that anisotropic spin chains with gapped bulk excitations and magnetically ordered ground states offer a promising platform for quantum computation, which bridges the conventional single-spin-based qubit concept with recently developed topological Majorana-based proposals. We show how to realize the single-qubit Hadamard, phase, and π/8 gates as well as the two-qubit controlled-not (cnot) gate, which together form a fault-tolerant universal set of quantum gates.

Controlling the Interaction of Electron and Nuclear Spins in a Tunnel-Coupled Quantum Dot


C. Kloeffel, P.A. Dalgarno, B. Urbaszek, B.D. Gerardot, D. Brunner, P.M. Petroff, D. Loss, and R.J. Warburton


Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 046802

We present a technique for manipulating the nuclear spins and the emission polarization from a single optically active quantum dot. When the quantum dot is tunnel coupled to a Fermi sea, we have discovered a natural cycle in which an electron spin is repeatedly created with resonant optical excitation. The spontaneous emission polarization and the nuclear spin polarization exhibit a bistability. For a σ+ pump, the emission switches from σ+ to σ- at a particular detuning of the laser. Simultaneously, the nuclear spin polarization switches from positive to negative.

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