Photon transport in a dissipative chain of nonlinear cavities

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Alberto Biella, Leonardo Mazza, Iacopo Carusotto, Davide Rossini, and Rosario Fazio


Phys. Rev. A 91, 053815 (2015)

By means of numerical simulations and the input-output formalism, we study photon transport through a chain of coupled nonlinear optical cavities subject to uniform dissipation. Photons are injected from one end of the chain by means of a coherent source. The propagation through the array of cavities is sensitive to the interplay between the photon hopping strength and the local nonlinearity in each cavity. We characterize photon transport by studying the populations and the photon correlations as a function of the cavity position. When complemented with input-output theory, these quantities provide direct information about photon transmission through the system. The position of single-photon and multiphoton resonances directly reflects the structure of the many-body energy levels. This shows how a study of transport along a coupled cavity array can provide rich information about the strongly correlated (many-body) states of light even in presence of dissipation. The numerical algorithm we use, based on the time-evolving block decimation scheme adapted to mixed states, allows us to simulate large arrays (up to 60 cavities). The scaling of photon transmission with the number of cavities does depend on the structure of the many-body photon states inside the array.