Quantum Game of Life


D.Bleh, T.Calarco, S.Montangero;


EPL, 97 (2012) 20012

We introduce a quantum version of the Game of Life and we use it to study the emergence of complexity in a quantum world. We show that the quantum evolution displays signatures of complex behaviour similar to the classical one, however a regime exists, where the quantum Game of Life creates more complexity, in terms of diversity, with respect to the corresponding classical reversible one.

Fast and robust quantum computation with ionic Wigner crystals


J. D. Baltrusch, A. Negretti, J. M. Taylor, T. Calarco


Phys. Rev. A 83, 042319 (2011).

We present a detailed analysis of the modulated-carrier quantum phase gate implemented with Wigner crystals of ions confined in Penning traps. We elaborate on a recent scheme, proposed by two of the authors, to engineer two-body interactions between ions in such crystals. We analyze for the first time the situation in which the cyclotron (w_c) and the crystal rotation (w_r) frequencies do not fulfill the condition w_c=2w_r.

Summer School, Scuola Normale Superiore,October 25-29, 2010, Pisa, Italy

M. Rizzi (P3c MPG), invited talk and visit, Many-Body Physics with ultracold gases

Rice University, October 19, 2010, Houston, Texas, USA

M. Rizzi (P3c MPG), invited talk and visit, Emerging Bosons with 3-Body Interactions from Spin-1 Atoms in Optical Lattices

European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (ECAMP), July 4-9, 2010, Salamanca, Spain

C. Hahn, poster, Electromagnetically induced transparency with single atoms in a cavity

A. Browaeys (P2b CNRS), invited talk, Entanglement of two individual atoms using the Rydberg blocade

Seminar of the AMOP Group, Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, September 13, 2010, Cambridge, UK

S. Ritter (P3b MPG), talk, Electromagnetically induced transparency with single atoms in a cavity

Institute for Quantum Information Science at the University of Calgary, July 21, 2010, Calgary, Canada

C. Nölleke (P3b MPG), talk, Highly efficient single photon generation in a coupled atom-cavity

The Seventh Annual Canadian Quantum Information Students´conference, July 13, 2010, Calgary, Canada

C. Nölleke (P3b MPG), talk, Highly efficient single photon generation in a coupled atom-cavity system

A. Neuzer (P3b MPG), talk, Storage of light using EIT pulse shape control

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