ITAMP workshop on Matter Wave Interferometry, Harward University, April 18-21, 2010, MA, USA

J. Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), invited talk, Atom Interferometry with tapped Atoms

ITAMP, Harward University, April 21, 2010, MA, USA

S. Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), colloquium, Probing noise and Coherence in Many Body Quantum Systems

EuroQUAM 2010, Cold Quantum Matter: Achievements and Prospects, September 12-16, 2010, Ischgl, Tyrol, Austria

A. Tomadin (P4b OEAW), poster, Driven-dissipative quantum phase transitions in open atomic many-body systems

Frontiers in Open Quantum Systems and Quantum Control Theory, August 1, 2010,ITAMP, Cambridge, USA

P. Zoller (P4b OEAW), Coherent Control in Open System Dynamics of Many Body Quantum Systems

EFB21, The 21st European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, August 29-September 3, 2010, Salamanca, Spain

P. Zoller (P4b OEAW), talk, Many body Physics with ultracold atoms and molecules

Max-Planck Research Group Symposium, Munich, Jaunuary 17, 2010, Germany

K. Hammerer (P4b OEAW), talk, Quantum Engineering in Optomechanica and Hybrid Systems

Les Houches Summer School: Ultracold Atoms, Metrology and Quantum Optics, Les Houches, September 12-24, 2010, France

R. Reimann (P6 UNIBONN), poster, Spin dynamics of one and two atoms strongly coupled to an optical resonator

Cincinnati, Ohio, August 16, 2010, USA

R. Blatt (P4a OEAW), Quantum Computation and algorithm Review meeting

R. Blatt (P4a OEAW), Quantum algorithms & Multi Qunit Coherent Operations Review

University of Wisconsin, March 18, 2010, Madison, USA

R. Blatt (P4a OEAW), Herb seminar, Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ions

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