BEC10: Quo vadis Bose-Einstein Condensation, August 16-20, 2010, MPI-KS, Dresden, Germany

Jörg Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), invited talk, Probing non equilibrium dynamics in quantum many body systems

Innsbruck Summer School on Quantum Optics, July 6 -8, 2010, Innsbruck, Austria

Jörg Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), lecture course, Atom Chips

Frontiers in Matter Wave Interferometry, June 14-18, 2010, Bad Honnef , Germany

Jörg Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), invited talk, Probing Many-Body Physics by Interference

Interactions, Disorder and Topology in Quantum Hall Systems -QHSYST-10 MPI-KS, June 7-11, 2010, Dresden, Germany

Jörg Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), invited talk, Probing Noise and Coherence in 1d Quantum Systems

Cold Atom Simulation of Interacting Relativistic Quantum Field Theories


J. I. Cirac, P. Maraner, and J.K. Pachos
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 190403 (2010)

We demonstrate that Dirac fermions self-interacting or coupled to dynamic scalar fields can emerge in the low energy sector of designed bosonic and fermionic cold atom systems. We illustrate this with two examples defined in two spacetime dimensions. The first one is the self-interacting Thirring model. The second one is a model of Dirac fermions coupled to a dynamic scalar field that gives rise to the Gross-Neveu model.

Emerging bosons with three-body interactions from spin-1 atoms in optical lattices


L. Mazza, M. Rizzi, M. Lewenstein, and J. I. Cirac
Phys. Rev. A 82, 043629 (2010)

We study two many-body systems of bosons interacting via an infinite three-body contact repulsion in a lattice: a pairs quasicondensate induced by correlated hopping and the discrete version of the Pfaffian wave function. We propose to experimentally realize systems characterized by such interaction by means of a proper spin-1 lattice Hamiltonian: spin degrees of freedom are locally mapped into occupation numbers of emerging bosons, in a fashion similar to spin-1/2 and hardcore bosons. Such a system can be realized with ultracold spin-1 atoms in a Mott insulator with a filling factor of 1.

Quantum random networks


S. Perseguers, M. Lewenstein, A. Acín & J. I. Cirac
Nature Physics 6 , 539–543 (2010)

Quantum mechanics offers new possibilities to process and transmit information. In recent years, algorithms and cryptographic protocols exploiting the superposition principle and the existence of entangled states have been designed. They should allow us to realize communication and computational tasks that outperform any classical strategy. Here we show that quantum mechanics also provides fresh perspectives in the field of random networks.

Modified spin-wave theory with ordering vector optimization: frustrated bosons on the spatially anisotropic triangular lattice


P. Hauke, T. Roscilde, V. Murg, J.I. Cirac, R. Schmied
New J. Phys. 12, 053036, (2010)

 We investigate a system of frustrated hardcore bosons, modeled by an XY antiferromagnet on the spatially anisotropic triangular lattice, using Takahashi's modified spin-wave (MSW) theory. In particular, we implement ordering vector optimization on the ordered reference state of MSW theory, which leads to significant improvement of the theory and accounts for quantum corrections to the classically ordered state. The MSW results at zero temperature compare favorably to exact diagonalization (ED) and projected entangled-pair state (PEPS) calculations.

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