In the Media

Le Nobel de physique à deux maîtres de la lumière

The french newspaper Le Monde writes about the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics (in french).

Mit Tricks fängt man Teilchen

The Financial Times Deutschland writes about the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics (in German).

Quantenforscher ausgezeichnet

The TAZ writes about the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics (in German).

Nobelpreis praktisch: Schnellere Computer, genauere Uhren

The Frankfurter Rundschau writes about the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics (in German).

Physik-Nobelpreis an Quantenphysiker Haroche und Wineland

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard writes about the 2012 Nobel Prize in physeics (in German).

Die Jäger von Schrödingers Katze

Der Spiegel writes on the 2012 Nobel prize in physics (in German).

Physik-Nobelpreis geht an Quantenphysiker

The Austrian newspaper Die Presse writes about the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics (in German).

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