
QuantERA Call 2017 Pre-Announcement


In January 2017 the QuantERA Consortium will announce a Call for Proposals in the field of quantum technologies.


QuantERA is a network of 31 agencies from 26 countries, coordinated by the National Science Centre, Poland. With a budget of over EUR 34 M, including co-funding from the European Commission, QuantERA will support international research projects in the field of Quantum Technologies.

Minutes of the High Level Steering Committee meeting of the 10th November 2016

As follow up to the publication of the minutes of the Flagship Berlin workshop, we publish here below the minutes of the High Level Steering Committee meeting, which took place after the workshop.

QT Flagship Community Consultation Workshop - minutes of the meeting


we publish the minutes of the QT Flagship workshop that took place the 10th November in Berlin.

Here you can download the minutes of the workshop


If you have any question, further input, or need any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at mattia [dot] giardini [at] uni-ulm [dot] de

Quantum flagship - online consultation on the QUTE consensus paper and registration for the Flagship workshop


A Community consulation has been launched with respect to the Quantum Flagship - the input will be presented to the High Level Steering Committee during an open workshop on the 10th of November in Berlin.

The High Level Steering Committee (http://qurope.eu/db/news/expert-group-quantum-technology-flagship) initiated a consultation process in order to collect the community consensus about the possible structure and governance of the QT Flagship.

During the first HLSC meeting, on the 20th September, T. Calarco presented the following documents:

Public call for applications to extend membership of the high-level expert group on quantum technologies


The call aims to include 12 new members from industries with interest in the Quantum Technologies

DG Connect, as follow up to the recent appointment of the High-Level expert group, has opened a public call in order to add 12 more members to the group.

The Call is aimed to industries with interest in the field of Quantum Technologies. Additional members will be individuals appointed to represent a common interest or organisations. Therefore, there will be two types of membership:

Expert group on Quantum Technology Flagship


Following the nomination of the chair, Prof. Mlynek, the Commission has now formally set-up the Commission Expert Group, with 13 very high level academic members, that will provide recommendations on the preparation of the Quantum Technology Flagship.

The Commission Expert Group on Quantum Technologies - High Level Steering Committee has now been established as a high level expert group with a mandate of one year. Its members will best represent collectively the diversity of stakeholders in Europe, both from the academic as from the industrial sides.

The group will be composed of the following academic members:

Simulating Quantum Spin Models using Rydberg-Excited Atomic Ensembles in Magnetic Microtrap Arrays


Shannon Whitlock, Alexander W. Glaetzle, Peter Hannaford



We propose a scheme to simulate lattice spin models based on strong and long-range interacting Rydberg atoms stored in a large-spacing array of magnetic microtraps.

Radiation trapping in a dense cold Rydberg gas


D. P. Sadler, E. M. Bridge, D. Boddy, A. D. Bounds, N. C. Keegan, G. Lochead, M. P. A. Jones, B. Olmos


Phys. Rev. A 95, 013839



Cold atomic gases resonantly excited to Rydberg states can exhibit strong optical nonlinearity at the single photon level. We observe that in such samples radiation trapping leads to an additional mechanism for Rydberg excitation.

Non-equilibrium phase-transitions in multi-component Rydberg gases


D. S. Ding, C. S. Adams, B. S. Shi, G. C. Guo


arXiv:1606.08791v1 [physics.atom-ph]



Highly-excited Rydberg atoms have strong long-range interactions resulting in exotic optical properties such as large single photon non-linearities and intrinsic bistability. In this paper we study optical-driven non-equilibrium phase transitions in a thermal Rydberg gas with a sensitivity two order of magnitude higher than in previous work.

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