6Th Winter School on Practical Quantum Communications

The program of the 6th winterschool on practical quantum communications deals with quantum cryptography, quantum computing and quantum repeaters. The goal of this event is to introduce this exciting topic in a relaxed and stimulating atmosphere to a general audience of physicists and computer scientists with little or no background in practical quantum communications. Special emphasis will be placed on practical aspects of quantum communications, such as the implementation of quantum key distribution systems and quantum repeaters, as well as concrete steps towards a quantum computer.

Optical detection of radio waves through a nanomechanical transducer


T. Bagci, A. Simonsen, S. Schmid, L. G. Villanueva, E. Zeuthen, J. Appel, J. M. Taylor, A. Sørensen, K. Usami, A. Schliesser, and E. S. Polzik


Nature 507, 81–85 (06 March 2014) doi:10.1038/nature13029,
arXiv:1307.3467 (2013)

Electromagnetically-induced-transparency control of single-atom motion in an optical cavity


Tobias Kampschulte, Wolfgang Alt, Sebastian Manz, Miguel Martinez-Dorantes, René Reimann,
Seokchan Yoon, Dieter Meschede, Marc Bienert, Giovanna Morigi


Phys. Rev. A 89, 033404 (2014)

We demonstrate cooling of the motion of a single neutral atom confined by a dipole trap inside a high-finesse
optical resonator. Cooling of the vibrational motion results from electromagnetically induced transparency
(EIT)-like interference in an atomic \Lambda-type configuration, where one transition is strongly coupled to the cavity
mode and the other is driven by an external control laser. Good qualitative agreement with the theoretical
predictions is found for the explored parameter ranges. Further, we demonstrate EIT cooling of atoms in the

Paper "High fidelity spin entanglement using optimal control" published on Nature Communication

The paper, authored by F. Dolde, V. Bergholm, Y. Wang, I. Jakobi, S. Pezzagna, J. Meijer, P. Neumann, T. Schulte-Herbrueggen, J. Biamonte, and J. Wrachtrup, has been published on the 28th February 2014 on Nature Communications 5, 3371 (2014)

46 Symposium on Mathematical Physics Information Theory & Quantum Physics

2014-06-15 - 2014-06-17
Torun, Poland

Paper "Edge Theories in Projected Entangled Pair State Models" published on PRL

The paper, authored by S. Yang, L. Lehman, D. Poilblanc, K. Van Acoleyen, F. Verstraete, J. I. Cirac, and N. Schuch, has been published the 23rd January 2014 on Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 036402

Paper "Homodyne Tomography of a Single Photon Retrieved on Demand from a Cavity-Enhanced Cold Atom Memory" published on PRL

The paper, authored by Erwan Bimbard, Rajiv Boddeda, Nicolas Vitrant, Andrey Grankin, Valentina Parigi, Jovica Stanojevic, Alexei Ourjoumtsev, and Philippe Grangier, has been published on the 21st January 2014 on  PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 112:3, 033601 (2014)

Extracting entanglement from identical particles


N. Killoran, M. Cramer and M. B. Plenio


Physical Review Letters 112, 150501 (2014)

Identical particles and entanglement are both fundamental components of quantum mechanics. However, when identical particles are condensed in a single spatial mode, the standard notions of entanglement, based on clearly identifiable subsystems, break down. This has led many to conclude that such systems have limited value for quantum information tasks, compared to distinguishable particle systems.

Realistic and verifiable coherent control of excitonic states in a light harvesting complex

2013-07-18 - 2014-01-20

Stephan Hoyer, Filippo Caruso, Simone Montangero, Mohan Sarovar, Tommaso Calarco, Martin B. Plenio and K. Birgitta Whaley


New Journal of Physics 16, 045007 (2014)

We explore the feasibility of coherent control of excitonic dynamics in light harvesting complexes, analyzing the limits imposed by the open nature of these quantum systems. We establish feasible targets for phase and phase/amplitude control of the electronically excited state populations in the Fenna-Mathews-Olson (FMO) complex and analyze the robustness of this control with respect to orientational and energetic disorder, as well as decoherence arising from coupling to the protein environment.

Paper "Edge theories in Projected Entangled Pair State models" published on PRL

The paper, authored by S. Yang, L. Lehman, D. Poilblanc, K. Van Acoleyen, F. Verstraete, J.I. Cirac, N. Schuch, has been published the 23rd January 2014 on Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 036402 (2014)

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