6th Winterschool on quantum communications

Date: 19 to 21 January 2014

Place: Les Diablerets, Switzerland

Main leader organizer: IDQ

Several talks were given on quantum communications by several SIQS speakers.

Speaker: Nicolas Gisin (UNIGE), Mikael Afzelius (UNIGE), Grégoire Ribordy (IDQ), Matthieu Legré (IDQ)



Date: 10 April 2014

Place: Helsinki, Finland

Main leader organizer: Cygate

Title of the talk: Quantum Technologies for a Quantum-Safe ICT

Speaker: Grégoire Ribordy (IDQ)


Photonics 21 Annual Meeting

Date: 28 March 2014

Place: Brussels, Belgium

Main leader organizer: Photonics 21

Title of the talk: Quantum Key Distribution Solutions

Speaker: Grégoire Ribordy (IDQ)


Optical Fiber Communications Conference

Date: 9-13 March 2014

Place: San Francisco, USA

Main leader organizer: American Association for the Advancement of Science

Title of the talk: Quantum Key Distribution Solutions

Speaker: Grégoire Ribordy (IDQ)


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