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Format: 2024-07-29
Format: 2024-07-29
Format: 2024-07-29
Type Title Author Post Datesort icon
Publication Secure device-independent quantum key distribution with causally independent measurement devices ltheussl 2012-05-17 10:48
Publication Optimal bounds for quantum bit commitment ltheussl 2012-05-17 10:45
Publication Fully Distrustful Quantum Bit Commitment and Coin Flipping ltheussl 2012-05-17 10:41
Publication No extension of quantum theory can have improved predictive power ltheussl 2012-05-17 10:37
Publication The thermodynamic meaning of negative entropy ltheussl 2012-05-17 10:35
Publication Quantum Metropolis sampling ltheussl 2012-05-17 10:04
Event International Symposium on Cavity-QED garraway 2012-05-17 08:50
WebLink Neues KI-Konzept weist Weg zu Quantenrobotern ltheussl 2012-05-16 14:50
Event QCRYPT 2012 ltheussl 2012-04-26 12:04
WebLink Experiment nimmt auf Vergangenheit Einfluss ltheussl 2012-04-24 10:15
Event Summer School on Quantum and Non-Linear Optics 2012 ltheussl 2012-04-24 08:24
News Ian Walmsley elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society ltheussl 2012-04-23 11:06
Event Coqus Summer School 2012 ltheussl 2012-04-23 10:33
Job Postdoc position in Quantum Information dechiara 2012-04-23 10:33
WebLink Verschränkte Photonenpaare in Halbleiter-Chip realisiert ltheussl 2012-04-19 08:11
News Rainer Blatt receives DPG's Stern-Gerlach-Medaille ltheussl 2012-04-12 09:26
WebLink Trivial Low Energy States for Commuting Hamiltonians, and the Quantum PCP Conjecture ltheussl 2012-04-11 10:39
WebLink Analytic and numerical demonstration of quantum self-correction in the 3D Cubic Code ltheussl 2012-04-11 10:36
WebLink Preparing projected entangled pair states on a quantum computer ltheussl 2012-04-11 10:33
Publication Implementing the Quantum von Neumann Architecture with Superconducting Circuits ltheussl 2012-04-11 10:27
Event ICFP 2012 ltheussl 2012-04-11 08:38
Job postdoc position, Calgary simon 2012-04-11 08:30
Event QuAMP Summer School 2012 (Quantum Atomic, Molecular, and Plasma Physics) dechiara 2012-04-05 16:08
Event iSense Workshop 2012 ltheussl 2012-04-05 14:31
Project DIAMANT ltheussl 2012-04-05 10:47