Frequently Asked Questions - Web site - Intranet

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An organic group is a group of registered users that have special permissions on certain parts of the site. Organic groups are created by a site administrator upon request, you should contact us if you want an organic group set up for you.

Organic groups can be public or private:

Public groups are listed on the groups overview page. Content in a public group is visible to anybody and any registered user can apply to join.

Private groups contain confidential content that is only accessible within the group. Only members of a private group are able to view, upload and edit (in case of authorized users) private group content. Note that it is also possible to attach files that will only be visible to group members (e.g. reports, confidential papers, etc.).

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Only group administrators can add members to a group.

Check your group menu on the right sidebar and click on the link that says 'N members' (where N is the current number of members of your group). Click on the link 'Add members'.

NOTE: you need to know the user name of the member you want to add, i.e. the name the user is registered under.


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In case of a public group, any registered user can request membership directly by clicking on the corresponding link on the group overview page.

Membership in private groups is by invitation only, you need to contact an administrator for the group, and send him your user login.