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Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17
2013-01-24 15:34

A call for nominations for the QIPC Young Investigator Award 2013 has been published.

2013-01-23 15:53

The QUIE2T contract has been amended to extend the project by 6 months, and to include the University of Florence as a new partner.

2013-01-20 15:18

QUIE2T WP3 has submitted its deliverables D3.4.5 and D3.5.3.

2013-01-15 15:09

A bit ahead of time, QUIE2T WP1 has submitted its deliverable D1.2.2

2013-01-04 11:32

The 2013 Wolf Prize in Physics has been awarded to Juan Ignacio Cirac and Peter Zoller.

2012-12-20 12:37

Physics World's choice of the 2012 Book of the Year is 'How the Hippies Saved Physics' by David Kaiser.

2012-12-18 10:17

The QUTE-EUROPE Grant Agreement has been signed by the European Commission.

2012-12-17 10:23

Physics World reveals its top 10 breakthroughs for 2012.

2012-10-31 19:23

QUIE2T has been assigned a new Project Officer by the European Commission.

2012-10-25 14:05

Within its Quantum Envoy program, the CA QUIE2T has sponsored a public talk at the workshop 'Quo Vadis, Quantum Hybridium?'

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