Vacancy in the Quantum Dynamics Group at MPQ

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Garching (München), Germany
30 September, 2013


Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik
Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1
Garching 85748

A PhD and/or Post-doctoral position on Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics is available at MPQ in Garching:

Cavity quantum electrodynamics naturally provides the strong coupling between photons and atoms necessary for the implementation of deterministic quantum interfaces. Single atoms in optical cavities are therefore ideally suited as universal quantum network nodes, capable of sending, storing and retrieving quantum information. We have recently demonstrated this by presenting an elementary version of a quantum network based on two identical nodes in remote, independent laboratories. Our group will further explore the potential of these network nodes regarding scalability, the implementation of novel quantum information protocols and fundamental light-matter interactions.

You will work on a cutting-edge experiment, where single, laser-cooled atoms are captured in a three-dimensional optical lattice at the centre of a high-finesse optical resonator. By combining advanced cooling and preparation techniques, this system simultaneously achieves quantum control over all degrees of freedom of a single atom: its position and momentum, its internal state, and its coupling to light. Single photons are routinely produced using an adiabatic passage, which allows tailoring of all their quantum properties as well. To exploit the full potential of these systems for quantum information processing requires advanced experimental control techniques and the continuous development of customized tools adapted to our experimental needs.

To face the everyday challenges in the laboratory, you should have or be ready to get hands-on experience with setting up optical components, designing customized optics, building ultra-low noise electronics, stabilizing lasers, developing customized software and simulating quantum optical systems. As integral part of our research team, you will be involved at all stages of the experiment, ranging from project planning over experimental implementation and data evaluation to presentation of the results on conferences and in peer-reviewed publications.

You are a talented and highly motivated researcher holding a PhD in physics with emphasis on quantum optics, atomic physics or quantum information processing. To complement our experimental team you should have prior experience in a research laboratory. Fluency in English is mandatory; language skills in German are helpful.

Please send your application with a motivation, your CV, certificates, and reference letters by email to Dr. Stephan Ritter (email: stephan [dot] ritter [at] mpq [dot] mpg [dot] de). More information about the group: