PhD position on ‘Non-linear response in localised quantum magnets’

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Paul Scherrer Institut, registered at ETH Zürich
28 February, 2017


Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen-PSI 5232
Phone: +41 56 310 4048
We would like to draw your attention to an open PhD position at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), which will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Gabriel Aeppli (Head of PSI’s Synchrotron Radiation and Nanotechnology Research Division and Professor at ETH Zürich & EPF Lausanne):
PhD position on 'Non-linear response in localised quantum magnets’, registered at ETH Zürich
The research project will be embedded in PSI’s Quantum Technologies group ( and utilize accelerator-based photon sources, such as the Swiss Light Source synchrotron and the SwissFEL x-ray free-electron-laser. The focus will be on the emergence of quantum coherent degrees of freedom in model quantum magnets and the associated phenomenon of many-body localization. 
We would very much appreciate if you could pass this information to potentially interested candidates.
Many thanks in advance and kind regards,
Hans Sigg