Single photon generation in 2D crystals for quantum information

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Institute of Condensed Matter Physics (IFIMAC), at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)
1 December, 2017


Institute of Condensed Matter Physics (IFIMAC), at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) Madrid E-28049
Phone: 34-914974768
  • Requisits: The candidate has to be a PhD in physics or engineering, with proven experience in experimental solid-state spectroscopy (micro-photoluminescence, Raman, etc).

Additionally, experience on 2D semiconductor materials preparation and   handling will be valuated.

  • Duration: 19 months, starting on December 1st.2017
  • Salary: ca.2454€/month before taxes.


Applications including a CV and publications should be adressed to jose [dot] calleja [at] uam [dot] es