Qualified researcher on the area of quantum integrable systems and Bethe ansatz, with applications for quantum information.

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University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
10 May, 2014


The International Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Natal - Rio Grande do Norte
5° 46' 45.3252" S, 35° 12' 3.2976" W

IIP opens selection for postdoctoral fellowship

The International Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (IIP-UFRN) offers two postdoctoral fellowships for qualified researchers on the area of quantum integrable systems and Bethe ansatz, with applications for quantum information.
The selected candidates will develop their research work in Professor Vladimir Korepin´s research group at the IIP. Interested candidates should submit, by email (new [dot] positions [at] iip [dot] ufrn [dot] br), a CV accompanied by a brief description of their research interests, list of publications, two letters of reference, copy of ID and CPF (Brazilians or residents) or Passport (non-residents). The registration period goes from February 10 to May 10, 2014.
The initial effective date of the fellowships is July of 2014 and it is valid for one year, renewable up to three years, depending on the interest of both parties. The program offers a monthly allowance of R$ 7.000,00. Resources for participation in scientific events may be offered to selected candidates.

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