Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Applications of Ghost Imaging

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University of Insubria, Como (Italy)
20 December, 2010


45° 48' 29.016" N, 9° 5' 6.6372" E

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellow with experience in experimental optics at the University of Insubria, Department of Physics and Mathematics, Como (Italy).

The research activity, starting January-March 2011, will be performed at the Light Scattering Laboratory in Como under the supervision of Dr. Fabio Ferri ( in tight collaboration with the theoretical group of Prof. Luigi Lugiato and Dr. Alessandra Gatti (

The fellowship duration is one- (renewable up to two-) years, upon mutual agreement. Starting salary will be about 1.500 Euro/ month, if taxes are paid in Italy. Negotiations regarding salary might be possible.

The activity will regard the use of the novel technique called Differential Ghost Imaging (DGI) [F. Ferri et al., PRL 104, (2010) 253603] for non conventional imaging methods based on the correlation of spatially correlated beams. DGI allows the imaging of objects located in optically harsh or noisy environments (such as in the presence of a turbid medium or strong aberrations) where classical imaging techniques do not work. We plan to apply DGI for biomedical or atmospheric imaging applications and for remote sensing problems, where small particles placed in a large volumes need to be detected and sized.

The successful candidates should have a Degree in Physics and a Ph.D. in Physics or equivalent research experience. A good scientific background in experimental optics, with preferential expertise in the field of statistical optics is also required. Skills in LabView programming is also appreciated. Strong written and verbal communication skills are required for paper writing and team working.

Interested candidates should send by e-mail and updated CV and two recommendation letters to Dr. Fabio Ferri (fabio [dot] ferri [at] uninsubria [dot] it), possibly before December 20th, 2010.

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