Postdoctoral research position

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Madrid, Spain
20 March, 2013


Instituto de Fisica Fundamental Madrid
40° 25' 0.39" N, 3° 42' 13.644" W

Applications are invited for a seven months visiting postdoctoral research position during the term from 01/05/2013 to 30/11/2013.The purpose of this project is to devise experimental proposals for quantum simulations of many body systems using trapped ions and qubits in solid state working in the group of Juanjo Garcia-Ripoll in QUINFOG ( The work will be carried out in the instituto de Fisica Fundamental of the Spanish Research Council in Madrid.

Applicants are expected to have proven their research capability through their publications in the fields of quantum optics applied to trapped ions and qubits in solid state (such as nitrogen impurities in diamond), quantum simulations for many body physics, and in the use of numeric and analytical tools (such as DMRG and Schrieffer-Wolff Transformations).

For further information on this contract (Reference: Postdoc-UCM_Marzo-13, Codigo: 12331) (QUITEMAD S2009/ESP-1594) contact juanjo directly via email (jj [dot] garcia [dot] ripoll [at] csic [dot] es). Those interested in the offer should register before 20-03-2013 at (a process for which we can provide some guidance).

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