Postdoctoral Research Associate

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University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
1 December, 2012


University of Strathclyde Glasgow
United Kingdom
55° 51' 51.2532" N, 4° 15' 6.5016" W

Two 16 month theoretical postdoctoral positions in the topic of noisy quantum information processing are opening at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK, to start in spring or summer 2013.

The ideal candidates would be independent and creative researchers with interests related to noisy quantum information processing, interpreted in the broadest possible sense to include topics such as fault tolerant quantum computation, the robustness of specific quantum algorithms to noise, the classical simulation of noisy quantum systems, and links to foundational issues such as entanglement theory and hidden variable models. It is anticipated that the successful applicants will be given the maximal possible independence within the remit of the grant, which is funded by the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research council.

It is hoped that the candidates will be appointed by the beginning of 2013, with the posts starting in spring or summer 2013. Interested applicants should in the first instance send a short email and CV to shashank [dot] virmani [at] strath [dot] ac [dot] uk.

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