Postdoctoral positions in Quantum Information

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University of Gdansk, Poland
30 April, 2012


54° 21' 7.29" N, 18° 38' 47.8968" E

We are inviting applications from postdoctoral researchers for positions at National Quantum Information Centre in Gdansk, University of Gdansk ( Senior researchers include Andrzej Grudka, Michal Horodecki, Pawel Horodecki, Ryszard Horodecki, Marek Zukowski

Several positions available, duration ranging from 2-4 years.

Subjects include:

  • nonlocality, information causality, contextuality
  • entanglement and quantum communication
  • thermodynamics in microscale

Funding: The postdoc positions are funded by:
European Research Council (ERC IDEAS)
Polish Ministry of Science (IDEAS-PLUS)
National Science Centre (MAESTRO)

Foreign Partners:

  • ERC grant is joint with Stockholm and Munich

Also, possible joint positions with

  • Andreas Winter’s group, to be settled in Barcelona
  • Jonathan Oppenheim’s group, UCL, UK,

Applications: should be sent to Professor Ryszard Horodecki fizrh [at] ug [dot] edu [dot] pl and Ms Jolanta Rejniak fizac [at] ug [dot] edu [dot] pl

They should include:

  • CV including description of main scientific achievements
  • two recommendation letters
  • statement of interest

Deadline: Applications should be sent until the end of April 2012. If the positions are not filled, new deadline will be set.

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