Postdoctoral position (THEORY) on nonlinear optics, solitons, nonlinear fiber optics, quantum optics, plasma physics, nanophotonics

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Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany
1 November, 2011


Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light Erlangen
49° 35' 59.7732" N, 11° 0' 22.68" E

Candidates are sought for 1 fully funded Postdoctoral Researcher position to work on nonlinear fiber optics and pulse propagation in photonic nanostructures.

The candidate should have a good background on classical Electromagnetism, Plasmonics, Fiber Optics, Quantum Mechanics and Condensed Matter Physics. Expertise in advanced programming (preferably with MATLAB and FORTRAN) is important. The position will remain open throughout the years 2011 until suitable candidates are found. Please state your age and your marital status clearly. A letter of application containing at least 2 reference letters and a full CV containing a detailed description of the candidate's knowledge and expertise, should be emailed directly to Dr. Fabio Biancalana at the following email address: "fabio [dot] biancalana [at] mpl [dot] mpg [dot] de". More information on the projects is available on request. Current research projects are available on this website:

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