Postdoctoral position in the Quantum Information Group (LTCI, CNRS Telecom ParisTech) and the Algorithms and Complexity Group (LIAFA, CNRS Univ. Paris 7)

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CNRS Telecom ParisTech and Univ. Paris 7
1 September, 2011


48° 51' 24.0012" N, 2° 21' 3.5532" E

Development and implementation of two and multiparty quantum cryptographic primitives

In the recent years, the field of quantum information processing and communications, which promises to revolutionize the future of information technologies, has been the subject of great progress. In particular, work in quantum key distribution has led to the implementation of the first quantum cryptography telecommunication network, within the framework of a largescale European project, in which the Quantum Information group in Telecom ParisTech was strongly involved. In parallel, other cryptographic primitives that are essential for secure communications, such as bit commitment, coin flipping and oblivious transfer, have been recently studied in the quantum framework, with important results to which the Algorithms and Complexity group in Univ. Paris 7 has largely contributed.

The security proofs of quantum cryptographic primitives other than key distribution however have only taken into account idealized conditions; for coin flipping for example only channel loss has been considered making potential implementations vulnerable to any type of error that can naturally appear in practical systems. Indeed, in view of realworld applications it is essential to study and implement protocols adapted to realistic conditions, which include the use of practical resources and the communication between multiple users. Performing this task will be a major step towards demonstrating the significant advantages that quantum systems can offer in the security assurance of future communication networks.

The goal of the proposed postdoctoral project is to develop and implement two and multiparty quantum cryptographic primitives in a realistic setting. In particular, based on security proofs of the protocols under study we will first define and identify suitable conditions for their experimental implementation at a guaranteed level of security and performance, and subsequently pursue their practical realization using readily available photonic technologies. The work will be primarily experimental and will take place in the laboratory in Telecom ParisTech. It will be conducted in the framework of national and European projects, in which both groups are jointly involved; the postdoctoral researcher will thus largely benefit from an extensive network of collaborations and a very active and multidisciplinary research environment.

Candidates should have solid experience with practical fibre optic or free space systems implementing quantum communication and cryptography protocols, and good knowledge of quantum information theory and quantum optics. This is a 1year position, with possibility for a 1 year extension. It is available effective September 1st, 2011. Applications, including a detailed CV and names of senior scientists who could provide letters of recommendation, should be sent to eleni [dot] diamanti [at] telecomparistech [dot] fr, jkeren [at] liafa [dot] jussieu [dot] fr.

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