Postdoctoral position in Quantum Computing applied to Quantum Chemistry

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Chalmers University of Technology
31 March, 2019


Chalmers University of Technology
Kemivägen 9,
Gothenburg 41258

Within the the EU QT-Flagship, the OpenSuperQ consortium will build a cloud-based superconducting quantum computer at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. As part of this effort, we are currently seeking a Postdoc in Computational Quantum Chemistry, who will work in the Chalmers team modelling physical systems on quantum computers. The aim is to develop algorithms for calculating the electronic structure and energy surfaces of molecules of relevance to prebiotic chemistry, beginning with water and hydrogen cyanide, and to run them on the available simulated and physical quantum hardware. The calculations will benchmark quantum computers and provide tests of quantum advantage and quantum superiority.

Theoretical physicists trained in quantum information processing that are interested in learning quantum chemistry are welcome to apply. And vice versa - Quantum chemists trained in method development that are interested in learning quantum information processing are also welcome to apply.

Position summary
Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of two years (1+1).

Required qualifications:
• PhD in Theoretical Chemistry or equivalent.
• Fluency in English, oral and written; interest and skills in working collaboratively as well as independently.

Desired qualifications:
• Experience of Computational Physics, Computational Chemistry, and/or Quantum Information Processing. Experience of numerical modeling, method development in quantum chemistry, quantum information science, and python programming. 
• Experience working with state-of-the-art multireference quantum chemistry methods.
• Experience developing wave function methods, such as coupled cluster and multi reference SCF methods is an advantage. The candidate should appreciate working in projects together with experimentalists. 

More information about the position and how to apply: