Postdoc in Theoretical Quantum Optics/Quantum Information

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Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
1 November, 2018


Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
Blegdamsvej 17
Copenhagen DK-2100
Phone: (+45)24661377

Postdoc in Theoretical Quantum Optics/Quantum Information at the Niels Bohr Institute
The position will be part of the theoretical quantum optics group headed by Prof. Anders S. Sørensen ( The group is focusing on making theories for the implementation of quantum information processing in concrete physical systems, including quantum optical systems such as photons and atoms as well as solid-state systems such as quantum dots and superconducting qubits. The position will be part of the newly established Center for Hybrid Quantum Neworks (Hy-Q,

The center is a 6 year major research initiative aiming at creating a quantum internet by exploiting quantum dots and opto-mechanical systems. The center is a collaboration between the theoretical quantum optics group and the groups of Prof. Peter Lodahl ( and Prof. Albert Schliesser ( In total the center employs approximately 50 scientists working on quantum networks. The position will also be part of the research within the Quantum Internet Alliance (

The positon should support and complement the activities of the Hy-Q research center and the Quantum Internet Alliance. To this end the successful candidate should make theories for concrete experiments, which can be performed in the Hy-Q laboratories as well as theories for long-term applications for quantum information processing. The precise project will be defined in collaboration with the candidate, but the starting point will be cluster state generation using quantum dots and how this can be exploited for long distance quantum communication. In addition the positon can include more general theory development for quantum networks.
Inquiries about the position can be made to Prof. Anders S. Sørensen, anders [dot] sorensen [at] nbi [dot] dk, phone: (+45)24661377.

The position is for two years and is open as soon as possible.
The application, in English, must be submitted electronically at the Copenhagen University jobportal please see link below.

Please include
• Curriculum vita
• Diplomas (Master and PhD degree or equivalent)
• Research plan – description of current and future research plans
• Complete publication list, highlighting 3 particularly relevant papers

The deadline for applications is 01.11.2018, 23:59 GMT +1.
Please find link to jobportal at University of Copenhagen