Postdoc in theoretical cond-mat at Bar-Ilan University, Israel

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Bar-Ilan University, Israel
15 March, 2017


Bar-Ilan University Ramat Gan (Tel-Aviv)

The Department of Physics at Bar Ilan University invites applications for a Post-doctorate fellowship in theoretical condensed matter physics. The successful candidate is expected to perform autonomous research, in collaboration with the members of the condensed matter group: Prof. Richard Berkovits, Dr. Emanuele Dalla Torre, Dr. Dmitri Gutman, Prof. Efrat Shimshoni. Possible topics of research include strongly-correlated atomic and electronic quantum systems, non-equilibrium phenomena, topological insulators,  and many-body localization.


Applications should be sent to cmt [dot] postdoc [at] biu [dot] ac [dot] il  and consist of:

  • A cover letter;
  • A brief research statement (up to one page);
  • A complete CV, including the list of publications;
  • The names of three referees, from whom recommendation letters can be asked.

Fellowship duration: two years (~ 10/2017 - 09/2019) with a possible extension to a third year.

Short-listed candidates will be invited for a videoconference interview.