Postdoc positions - optical clocks and ion trap technology

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CQT, Singapore
31 December, 2019


Center for Quantum Technologies
3 Science Drive 2
Singapore 117543

Applications are invited for postdoctoral positions in experimental atomic physics at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT), Singapore.  Positions are within the research group of Murray Barrett, located at CQT on the campus of the National University of Singapore.  Research is focused on the development of an optical atomic clock with singly ionized lutetium.  Projects include the development of a portable clock system, the development of a chip scale optical clock utilizing CMOS technology with integrated laser addressing and detection, and ongoing improvement of our current laboratory system.  Positions involve the mentoring of students in addition to independently developing the research objectives of the group. Successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in experimental physics with a strong background in atomic physics.  Experience with ion trapping techniques or fabrication experience is preferred.

For applications and more details please contact Murray Barrett:

email: phybmd [at] nus [dot] edu [dot] sg