Postdoc position within project QISS

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Research Center for Quantum information, IPSAS, Slovakia
31 January, 2021


Institute of Physics SAS
Dúbravská cesta 9
Bratislava 84511

Applications are invited for a 18 month postdoc position at the intersection between quantum foundations, quantum information theory, and quantum gravity (previous experience in at least one of these areas is required). The position may start as soon as a suitable candidate is found.

The post is partly funded by the John Templeton Foundation through the project "The Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime" ( and partly by Institute of Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences. The postdoc is expected to work in close collaboration with M. Ziman, A. Gendiar, M. Sedlák or D.Nagaj. Basic gross salary is 1800 eur / month, however, additional funds, depending on the focus and performance, are expected.

The application consists of CV (including list of publications), research statement (short summary of personal research interests and plans), and three names of potential referees we might ask for recommendation. Please send all this information to Michal Sedlak by email (michal [dot] sedlak [at] savba [dot] sk) before January 31th 2021, but we can interview candidates and fill the position also earlier. Only complete applications will be considered.