Postdoc Position in Quantum Optics and Quantum Many-Body Dynamics

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Technical University Munich (TUM)
11 February, 2011


48° 8' 11.7852" N, 11° 34' 37.506" E

 Postdoc Position in Quantum Optics and Quantum Many-Body Dynamics


We are offering a postdoc position in Quantum Optics and Quantum Many-Body Dynamics within the Emmy Noether research group led by Dr. Michael Hartmann at the Physics Department of the Technical University Munich.


We are looking for a highly motivated candidate who has research experience in  theoretical quantum optics, quantum information theory and/or condensed matter theory.

The research project will be centered in one of the currently very active fields of strongly correlated polaritonic many-body systems, optomechanics, or optical lattices with single site addressability. Duties will involve, carrying our cutting edge research, support in the supervision of a PhD student on this project, presenting the research results at national and international meetings etc.

The position is funded by the Emmy Noether award of the group leader and will be available in spring 2011. The minimum salary will be 36900 Euro per annum (TVöD E13). 

We offer an active and stimulating research environment, strengthened by our association to the group of Prof. W. Zwerger, and strong national (Universität Ulm, Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Walther Meissner Institute and Walter Schottky Institute in Munich) and international collaborations (Atominstitut TU Vienna, ETH Zürich, SNS Pisa and Imperial College London). Intensive supervision and support by the goup leader will be offered. The group is located in the science park in Garching near Munich with the Walther Meissner, the Walter Schottky and the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in close vicinity. The Technical University Munich has received one of Germany's first Elite University awards.

A PhD in physics is required and experience in theoretical quantum optics, quantum information science and/or condensed matter theory is essential. The ideal candidate will have knowledge and/or experience in cavity QED, optomechanics as well as quantum-many body systems and basic aspects of quantum information. The candidate possesses programming skills in some of the following Fortran, Matlab, C and Mathematica.

Further information can be found at:

Applications should be sent by email to michael [dot] hartmann [at] ph [dot] tum [dot] de and should contain a 200 word summary of the PhD research, a cv, a list of publications and contact details (email) of two referees.  


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