Postdoc position in quantum information science

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University College London (UCL)
7 September, 2013


University College London (UCL) London
United Kingdom

*Postdoc in Quantum Information and/or applications to complexity *
*theory, foundations, quantum gravity, quantum many-body physics, *
*and thermodynamics*

Limit of tenure: up to 3 years
Closing date: Sept 7, or until the positions are filled

The quantum information group at University College London (UCL) invite
applications for two post-doctoral research positions in the groups of
Fernando Brandao and Jonathan Oppenheim. We are especially interested in
applications of quantum information theory to research areas such as
complexity theory, foundations, quantum gravity, quantum many-body
physics, and thermodynamics. Other faculty in Quantum Information Theory
include Dan Browne, Simone Severini, Alessio Serafini and Sougato Bose.

The start date of the appointment is flexible, and both junior and
senior research associate positions are available. The salary is
£32,375-£39,132 p.a.

Should you require any further details on the scientific requirements of
the post, please contact Jonathan Oppenheim (j.oppenheim[at]
) and/or Fernando Brandao
(fgslbrandao[at] ).

Applications should include a full CV, publications list, a summary of
research interests and previous contributions (two pages), and the names
of three referees. Applications should be emailed to qi-jobs [at] ucl [dot] ac [dot] uk
, and the candidate should arrange for the
three reference letters to be sent to qi-references [at] ucl [dot] ac [dot] uk
by the closing date with the subject
line being the applicants name.

UCL values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.