Postdoc position in Quantum Information

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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
15 March, 2012


40° 25' 0.0876" N, 3° 42' 1.242" W

Postdoctoral position in Quantum Information in Madrid (please distribute this information to potential candidates).


This is a call for applications for a postdoc position of 2 years (with the possibility of extending it another 6 months) in the group led by Prof. David Perez-Garcia at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Candidates should have a PhD in Mathematics, Physics or Computer Science and an excellent research track. Though recommended, no prior knowledge of Quantum Information is required for the position. The main research aims associated to this position can be summarized in

1) To develop a theory of sequential and parallel compositions of quantum channels.

2) To give applications of such theory to quantum Shannon theory, quantum memories, secure communication, the emergence of classicality, quantum algorithms and simulations, quantum spin chains, complexity theory and/or entanglement theory.

The research will be done in collaboration with the groups of Prof. M. M. Wolf (Munich) and Prof. M. Christandl (Zurich), in the framework of the consortium CQC.

To apply, candidates have to send a CV to dperez [at] mat [dot] ucm [dot] es

The starting date is flexible, as long as it is before September 2012. The gross salary would be around 33000 euro per year.

For more information, feel free to contact me.


David Perez-Garcia

Departamento de Analisis Matematico

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

28040 Madrid



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