Postdoc position (junior and senior level)

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10 September, 2013


Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore Singapore

Highly motivated candidates, with a strong research background in theoretical quantum optics, are sought to join a CQT group lead by Dimitris G. Angelakis. The current group consists of four postdocs, two PhD students and a number of visitors. The research to be undertaken lies in the interface of quantum optics, condensed matter and QIP with emphasis in the simulation of quantum many body effects with atomic, photonic and polaritonic systems. Beyond theoretical quantum opticians, exceptional candidates from condensed matter theory and/or quantum information theory will also be considered.

Candidates should already have strong research records in one or more of the following three areas:

  • Circuit QED
  • Quantum nonlinear optics in slow light set ups(especially with cold atom ensembles)
  • Solid state Cavity QED (especially photonic crystals with quantum dots).

Experience in collaboration with experimentalists in any the above areas will be a major advantage and necessary for more senior appointment.
Strong candidates with backgrounds in cold atoms and ions, may also apply, but priority will be given to the previously mentioned areas.

Applicants should also posses a strong background in numerical modeling of physical problems in the above areas. Experience in applying DMRG and TEBD methods in many body quantum optical problems (including open systems) will be a plus.

The positions are available as soon as possible (for 1+1 years in the first instance extendable to three) and we accept applications until a suitable candidate is found. Applications should be sent by email to They should contain a two page summary of their past research, one page of future plans, a CV and the contact details (email) of three referees
Informal enquiries can be sent to dimitris [dot] angelakis [at] gmail [dot] com

Salary scale between S$ 55.000-75.000 per annum depending on experience. Tax in Singapore for this level of income is roughly 5%. Information on living costs (as of 2008) at

Deadline September 10th or until positions are filled.