Postdoc position in circuit quantum acoustodynamics

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ETH Zürich
31 August, 2021


ETH Zürich Zürich

The Hybrid Quantum Systems Group ( at ETH Zurich, led by Prof. Yiwen Chu, is looking for a postdoctoral researcher, starting after January 2021. 

The Hybrid Quantum Systems Group focuses on interfacing mechanical resonators, superconducting circuits, and optics for applications in quantum information. The general research direction for this particular position will be exploring the use of bulk acoustic wave resonators as a new type of circuit element in superconducting quantum circuits. Potential projects could include using the unique properties of mechanical objects for quantum computation, simulation, or sensing. 

We are looking for a motivated researcher with interest in areas related to quantum information and electromechanics. Specific skills that would be highly valued include:

  • Cryogenics and operation of dilution refrigerators
  • Microwave circuit design, simulation, and fabrication
  • Measurement and experiment control techniques for quantum circuits

The position is especially well suited for candidates with a strong background in circuit QED who would like to use their knowledge while learning about new physical implementations. However, anyone with a PhD in related fields is welcome to apply for the position as well.

Interested candidates should send Yiwen Chu (yiwen [dot] chu [at] phys [dot] ethz [dot] ch) a brief description outlining your motivation for working with us, along with a CV.