Post Doctoral position in Quantum Optics

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Palaiseau, France
29 December, 2012


Institut d'Optique Graduate School
2 avenue Augustin Fresnel
Palaiseau cedex 91127
48° 42' 50.9364" N, 2° 12' 16.8192" E

A Post Doctoral position is immediately available in the Quantum Optics group at Institut d'Optique in Palaiseau, France.

Subject : Deterministic photon-photon interactions using Rydberg blockade.

The subject is related to the ERC project « DELPHI », which stands for « Deterministic Logical Photon-Photon Interactions ». The main objective of the project is to use Rydberg atoms as a highly non-linear optical medium, in order to create deterministic coherent interactions between single photons, or to transform weak laser beams into non-classical states, such as « Schrödinger’s cat » states.

The candidate may have any nationality, but must be an experimentalist with an excellent track of records of undergraduate and graduate studies, especially in quantum optics and cold atoms physics.

Web site :

Recent publication (to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.) :

Please contact Philippe Grangier philippe [dot] grangier [at] u-psud [dot] fr or +33 (0)1 64 53 33 78.

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