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BEC and MatterWaves Group at IESL-FORTH on Crete (Greece)
30 September, 2014


Institute for Electronic Structure and Lasers (IESL-FORTH), Crete Heraklion
35° 20' 19.446" N, 25° 8' 39.1668" E

Please allow me to draw your attention the post-doctoral positions currently open in the BEC and MatterWaves Group at IESL-FORTH on Crete (Greece).

Marie-Curie post-doctoral position in
Guided Atom Interferometry

Quantum Mechanics is coming of age, with the first “real world” applications finally having reached the market. One of the most promising technologies is matter-wave interferometry, which can measure forces with unprecedented precision. Matter wave gravimeters might help in remote water and oil exploration and matter-wave Sagnac interferometers in inertial navigation. On the more scientific side there are tests of Einsteins equivalence principle and even gravitational wave detection — all subjects that our group is involved in.

As part of the EU-initial training network QTea and EU-STREP MatterWave we are currently developing guided matter-wave interferometers, which are designed to overcome one of the main limitations of matter-wave interferometry: the limited integration time due to earth’s gravitation. The successful application would work together with two PhD students towards realising a matter-wave interferometer based on time-averaged adiabatic potentials (TAAPs). He/She is expected to have completed a PhD in experimental atomic physics or a related topic. Cold atom experience would be beneficial, but is not essential. Female physicists are particularly encouraged to apply.

Gross salary: 49,757.76 Euro/year (53,357.76 Euro/year for researchers with a family), which corresponds to a monthly net stipend of approx. €2,350 (€2,650 for researchers with a family).

For more detail, please consult the website of our group:
The QTea network:
The MatterWave network:

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