Post-Doc on Josephson qubits available NOW at CEA Saclay (France)

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Quantronics Group- CEA Saclay - France (20 km from Paris)
31 December, 2012


CEA-Saclay Gif sur Yvette F91191
48° 42' 7.0992" N, 2° 8' 3.1236" E

Development of scalable superconducting  quantum processor

In our laboratory (located at about 20 kms south of Paris) we design, fabricate and characterize electrical circuits based on Josephson junctions that behave as artificial atoms when cooled at millikelvin temperatures. The two lowest energy levels of these circuits can define a qubit, and one of our goals is to use these circuits to implement an elementary quantum information processor [3].

Within the frame of the european research project SOLID, we are now developing a new scalable architecture in which all qubits are driven and readout through a single line ; each qubit is measured by a non-linear superconducting microwave resonator [1,2], while an additional resonator is used as a quantum bus to couple coherently the qubits.

Two permanent physicists and two PhD students are already working on this project. We propose NOW a one year contract (renewable once after the first year) to a motivated post-doc.
Please send your application including a CV to denis [dot] vion [at] cea [dot] fr (subject: Post-doctaral%20position%20on%20Josephson%20qubits) (Denis Vion), daniel [dot] esteve [at] cea [dot] fr (subject: Post-doctaral%20position%20on%20Josephson%20qubits) (Daniel Esteve) and patrice [dot] bertet [at] cea [dot] fr (subject: Post-doctaral%20position%20on%20Josephson%20qubits) (Patrice Bertet)

[1] F. Mallet et al., Nature physics 5, 791 (2009)
[2] A. Dewes et al. arXiv:1109.6735
[3] A. Dewes et al. arXiv:1110.5170

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