PhD/Postdoc positions in experimental quantum optics

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Johannes Gutenberg-Univeristy Mainz
31 August, 2013


Johannes Gutenberg-Univeristy Mainz Mainz

To establish a new research group on experimental quantum optics and quantum information science at the Institute of Physics of the University of Mainz, we are looking for highly motivated PhD students and/or a PostDoc.

The research is focused on the application of cold and ultracold quantum gases as quantum information storage devices, quantum sensors and quantum simulators. There are two main projects available:

  • Using quantum gases in the core of hollow optical fibers as storage devices and sensors
  • Ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices as solid state model systems

Besides a very strong motivation for experimental physics you should have a very good understanding of atomic physics, quantum optics and quantum mechanics.

We offer PhD positions or a PostDoc position in a highly motivating and internationally outstanding environment. With its close connection to the Excellence Clusters PRISMA and the Excellence Graduate School MAINZ, the working environment in the scientific research group QUANTUM offers ample opportunity for an active interchange of ideas with other research groups in experimental and theoretical quantum optics.

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Patrick Windpassinger, windpass [at] uni-mainz [dot] de,