PhD & Postdoc positions in Quantum Technology

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University of Kassel, Germany
31 December, 2018


Institute of Nanostructure Technologies and Analytics Kassel

Dear members of 'The QUROPE mailing list',

Dear Colleagues,

The Institute of Nanostructure Technologies and Analytics (INA) is inviting applications for open PhD and postdoc positions to join their Nano Optics Group led by Priv.-Doz. Dr. M. Benyoucef as part of a new BMBF project on quantum communication and interdisciplinary project on Scalable Molecular Quantum Bits.

- 3 PhD students (deadline Dec. 12, 2018)

- One Research Assistant/Postdoc position (deadline Dec. 31, 2018)

Presentations and interviews for PhD positions will be on 19 December and for the Potdoc position on 18 January.

The applications should be sent to bewerbungen [at] uni-kassel [dot] de

More information  can be found in this links:

Looking forward to your applications.

With kind regards,
Mohamed Benyoucef