Phd, Postdoc and other positions Quantum Internet Alliance

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31 August, 2018


QIA Europe

Quantum Internet Alliance Europe
The long-term ambition of the Quantum Internet Alliance is to realize large scale quantum networks.

You can now join us in this ambitious endeavour! We are looking for excellent candidates for PhD, Postdoc and other positions with different backgrounds (physics, computer science, electrical engineering) who like to work towards our great goal that can only be realized in a team effort.

Positions are available throughout Europe with starting dates of 1 October 2018 or later, and will continuously be posted on See individual jobs descriptions for contact details and potential deadlines, and use our convenient general application form to bring your application to the attention to several places in Europe at once. More information about the alliance can be found at

Join us on Twitter @eu_qia for the latest updates, news and job advertisements!