PhD and PostDoc Positions, Research topic: Scanning Probe Mi- croscopy with diamond color centers for applications in the Life Sciences

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Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
1 May, 2015


Saarland University Saarbrücken
49° 14' 24.5652" N, 6° 59' 48.9588" E

PhD and PostDoc Positions available, Research topic: Scanning Probe Mi- croscopy with diamond color centers for applications in the Life Sciences

Impurities in diamond, so called color centers, are versatile sensors: They detect magnetic fields with high sensitivity and can sense single molecules via near field energy transfer processes. Due to their atomic size, they ena- ble high spatial resolution in sensing and imaging. To harness their full po- tential for nano-imaging, color centers are incorporated in all-diamond scanning probe nanostructures. Such probes have already demonstrated their high versatility in Material Sciences and Physics. In the context of the Life Sciences, they are highly promising, non-invasive, biocompatible sensors for e. g. electrical currents and near fields of molecules.

To exploit the potential of all-diamond scanning probes as sensors in the life sciences, the German Ministry of Education and Research funds the project “DiaNanoRa” with 2 Mio € during the next 4 years. A Junior Research group led by Elke Neu will be established at Saarland University (Saarbrücken, Germany) to work on this highly interdisciplinary topic. Funding for PostDocs and PhD students is available. The work will cover all aspects of diamond scanning probes starting from nanofabricating the devices, creating and characterizing the color centers in the probes as well as the photonic prop- erties of the diamond structures. We will also advance applications of the scanning probes by designing dedicated experimental setups and imaging of systems that are relevant for applications in life sciences.

PhD and PostDoc candidates should be highly motivated to work in this mul- tidisciplinary project and bring a background from at least one of the partic- ipating fields (physics, biology/biophysics, nano/material-science). Beside the experimental experience, a high level of commitment towards inde- pendently pursuing own research ideas and establishing new collaborations is advantageous.

If you are interested do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail:
elkeneu [at] physik [dot] uni-saarland [dot] de

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