Phd and Post-doc position at Southampton

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5 May, 2016


Department of Physics and Astronomy Southampton
United Kingdom
50° 54' 34.92" N, 1° 24' 15.6636" W

Project title: Non-interferometric test of the quantum super-position principle

Info: 1 Post-doc for 2 years and 2 PhD studentships for 4 years in experimental quantum optomechanics in the Ulbricht group at Southampton. Salaries on typical UK level. Start: May 2016 or later. Project funded by The Leverhulme Trust.


Project: Investigations on quantum features in large-size systems are deemed “at the forefront of physics”, yet research efforts along this line are considered “in [their] infancy and important issues remain to be explored”. This project will explore the validity of quantum physics at the genuine macroscopic level, thus tackling a regime that has remained so far unaddressed. We will set up an experimental apparatus based on levitated nanoparticles and aim to control the motion of the trapped particle in the quantum domain. The trap may be based on optical or magnetic trapping. The trap will be at low temperature and ultra-high vacuum in order to control knows decoherence effects.

We are looking for excellent and highly-motivated candidates, with interest and  experience [post-doc] in at least one of the following topics: quantum measurement techniques, experimental quantum optics, state preparation of trapped ions, quantum optomechanics, circuit QED or similar systems. 

If you are interested, please contact:

Professor Hendrik Ulbricht

Department of Physics and Astronomy

University of Southampton

Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK

Fon: +44 (0)23 8059 2073

e-mail: h [dot] ulbricht [at] soton [dot] ac [dot] uk

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